This can be cured by putting units through the new Infirmary building. This new status effect effects XCOM operatives by constantly requiring their weapon’s magazine to be full, and if it’s not, they may ignore one of your orders and use their first action to reload instead. One example of this is the new “obsessive” quirk. The first of several core system changes being introduced in the War of the Chosen is a new paired Fatigue\Will system being implemented for your non-silicon XCOM squaddies that will change how players are forced to balance their squad over time as Soldiers who are deployed in mission after mission will begin to deteriorate, opening them up to not just the run of the mill “Panic” state, but new status effects and quirks. In it, a whole slew of new systems, units, and second wave options are introduced to enhance and extend the games lifespan well into the future. A wide-ranging and comprehensive update, War of the Chosen is closer to a full conversion mod or spiritual sequel rather than just an expansion pack. Welcome back Project Nerds! Today we have the second of our three part series on XCOM’s newest expansion War of the Chosen that drops this August 29th.

XCOM 2: New Weapons, New Enemies, Covert Actions, Fatigue and Will modifiers!