Kinski, of course, could play the unhinged madman in his sleep.

In another example of the film’s questionable sexual politics, he even asks Maggie to link herself up for stimulative purposes, an offer she understandably refuses (“That's the weirdest line for getting into my pants that I've ever heard.”) In fact, Daniel plans to dispose of his first creation once he’s activated Cassandra One (Kendra Kirchner). Unfortunately, Max’s maker also thinks with his manhood. He even manages to charm Maggie into bed without revealing his A.I. He’s obsessed with 20th-century pop culture – one of the film’s most memorable scenes finds him drawing parallels with his own situation and Fritz Lang’s Metropolis while listening to James Brown’s “It’s a Man’s Man’s World.” He also appears to be in a permanent state of horniness: we first see him watching an extremely primitive form of porn (computerized line drawings of a man and woman getting it on).

Daniel (Klaus Kinski) putting finishing touches to the ultimate A.I. What exactly does it mean to be human, for example? And can artificial intelligence ever be truly capable of love?ĭr. Yet it also posed the type of existential questions more synonymous with the work of Andrei Tarkovsky than the masters of schlock. Even with a family-friendly PG rating it still managed to sneak in a naked woman, while Don Keith Opper based his robot on C-3PO. Its space station setting borrowed from Forbidden World and Galaxy of Terror, pretty much giving James Cameron another early production designer credit as a result.

And a narrative that blatantly takes cues from recent genre hits (usually Star Wars).ĭirected by Corman protégé Aaron Lipstadt, Android (celebrating its 40th anniversary on Oct 16) adheres to all these unwritten rules. Shameless full-frontal nudity, always of the female kind, obviously. Recycled sets which look as if they’ve been, and sometimes were, assembled from discarded McDonald’s packaging. You tend to know what you’re getting with an early ‘80s sci-fi from Roger Corman’s New World Pictures.