Individuals who served exclusively in the Air National Guard or Army National Guard (with no periods activated to regular service components) do not receive a DD Form 214, but will receive a form called NGB-22 from the National Guard Bureau. Job specialty documents primary and secondary qualifications, such as Military Occupational Specialty (MOS), Air Force Specialty Code (AFSC), Navy Enlisted Classification (NEC), Navy officer designator, Navy Officer Billet Code (NOBC), and Navy Additional Qualification Designation (AQD). Other important data includes the servicemember's awards and medals, highest rank/rate and pay grade held on active duty, lengths of service (including total time, sea time, overseas service, and prior service periods), job specialty, and a record of training and schools completed. Among the most important details is the character of service (Honorable, Dishonorable, General Under Honorable Conditions, etc.), which greatly affects veteran benefits and can have long-term reputational impact. In earlier versions of the form (1 November 1972) it was called a "Report of Separation from Active Duty" the current title dates from 1 July 1979.ĭD Form 214 is the capstone documentation of completed military service, representing the complete, verified record of a service member's time in the military (Active, including Reservists on active assignments).

The first DD Form 214s were issued in 1950, replacing the older "WD AGO" (War Department Adjutant General's Office) Forms and the NAVPERS (Naval Personnel) discharge documents.